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Why do Babies Sleep So Much - Understanding Newborn Sleep Patterns

Feed. Sleep. Repeat.

This pretty much sums up the first few months of your baby’s life.

New parents, first-timers to be precise, are often surprised by how much a baby sleeps. To add, with their days and nights all mixed up, parents often have a hard time adjusting to their little one’s sleep schedule.

Let’s put all the worries to rest!

It is normal for your baby to sleep round the clock, waking up only to feed. Their tiny, still maturing stomachs can digest a very small amount of milk or formula per feed. Hence, they wake up whenever hungry (at any time of the day), going back to sleep after the feed.

With every baby being different, it is difficult to define a fixed sleeping pattern in newborns. Nevertheless, this is what it looks like for most infants.

How long does a baby sleep?

As already mentioned, sleep is dictated by hunger in newborns, unlike the Circadian rhythms regulating sleep in adults.

family bed

In a 24-hour period, most newborns sleep anywhere between 14 - 17 hours. It may be an additional hour or two for some. The average 16 hours of sleep is divided into 8-9 hours during the day time and around 7-8 hours during the night.

Your baby shouldn’t be sleeping less than 10 hours and neither should it extend to more than 19 hours in a 24-hour period. Every newborn has to gain weight within the first few weeks after birth. Therefore, it is crucial that they feed well and enough. Hence, if your baby sleeps too much, speak to your doctor about waking him up for feeds.

Babies sleep for 30 minutes to three hours at a stretch. When they do wake up to feed, it’s only for 15 minutes to an hour. Thus, a newborn’s sleep pattern includes a brief 2-4 hour sleep phase punctuated by a feed. The waking phase is further subdivided into stages. The first is a quite alert phase, where your baby is awake and alert to the sounds and happenings around him. This is followed by the crying phase. An infant may get restless and cry loudly. If your little one starts crying, you will have to first calm your baby before putting him to the breast or handing him the bottle. Rock them gently or simply hold them close. 

After the 3 month milestone, your baby will start sleeping less; an average of 12-15 hours. It is rare to see a newborn sleep soundly through the night. By 6 months, most babies start clocking 5-6 hours at a stretch at night. While in the womb, the baby's internal clock is in sync with that of the mothers. It takes several weeks for your baby to adjust to the 24-hour sleep-wake cycle of an adult after birth.

How long a baby sleeps might also depend on whether they are breastfed or bottle fed and their age. Bottle-fed babies arouse less often than breastfed ones.

Deciphering the Cries and Noises

Babies cry for several reasons - hunger, sleep, uneasiness and play. The secret to a happy baby is learning to decode those cries.

To add, babies can be very noisy in their sleep. You may notice loud noise followed by slow breaths followed by a sudden pause in breathing. As a parent, it is normal to freak out, but you shouldn’t.

Your baby’s respiratory and digestive system is still in its developmental phase. Hence, the variations in the sounds. You will hear rattling, whistling and gurgling sounds. Call a doctor if your baby starts breathing rapidly, or there is persistent grunting and nose flaring. They may hint at breathing difficulties.

Newborn Sleep Safety

Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) is a serious concern associated with infant sleep. Many parents have lost their little ones to SIDS. Hence, it is vital to create a safe sleeping environment for your baby.

Your baby in the first few weeks will seek the comfort and security of your womb. Try to recreate the same environment to induce sleep faster.

  • Swaddle your little one to keep him cozy. It also prevents your baby from flipping onto his stomach in his sleep. Experts recommend against swaddling once your baby starts turning over on his own. Do not swaddle if the weather is too hot.
  • Dim the lights at sleep time. It helps them associate darkness with sleep.
  • Playing soft music or using a white noise machine may improve sleep quality. Babies get used to a number of sounds in the womb. The mother’s heartbeat, the growls of the stomach or the swooshes of air in the mother’s lungs. See what works best for your baby. Some prefer complete silence.


Why do Babies Sleep So Much - Understanding Newborn Sleep Patterns

Pick up your baby’s “I want to sleep cues”. Eye rubbing, fussiness, crankiness, yawning are some of the signs of sleep readiness.

Let your baby learn to fall asleep on his own. Most parents rock, walk or hold the infant till they sleep. It becomes a habit. Thereafter, your baby will always demand to be held till they fall off to sleep. Lay your baby down as she starts to feel drowsy, but it is still awake. Massage or pat him till he nods off. He will gradually drift off to sleep.

Avoid sharing a bed with your newborn. There are chances of you rolling over in your sleep. Blankets and pillows in an adult bed can also prove a serious choking hazard for an infant. Place a separate crib or baby cot in your room.

Put your baby down on his back, not the stomach or on the side.

Use a firm mattress in the crib. Bedsheets and mattress covers should be secured tightly. Choose cribs, mattresses and bed sheets in materials that are baby-safe.

Keep an empty crib. You might be tempted to add a soft toy for your baby to snuggle, but don’t. Also, remove any loose sheets and comforters, bumper pads and pillows. It helps prevent suffocation.

Adjust the temperature in your baby’s sleep area. Be quick to spot any signs of overheating - feeling warm, sweating or flushing. Avoid layering clothing. Overheating increases the risk of SIDS.

Try to limit all activity at bedtime, especially night time. Play can stimulate your baby and make it harder for them to sleep.

To conclude, the best way to keep your baby comfortable is to follow his lead, be it feed, sleep or play. Don’t stress about your baby’s sleep schedule. You will gradually learn what to expect and how to deal with it.